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elijah boston

Async Functions with useEffect

react async
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In this post we'll explore how asynchronous functions can be used correctly within functional React components. The first thing we'll reach for is the useEffect hook since that's triggered after the component is initially rendered, or when certain properties change. The signature looks like this:

useEffect(() => { ... })

How would we use async functions here? It's tempting to just make the inner function asynchronous:

useEffect(async () => {
  // ...
  await something

React will yell at you if you try this though. useEffect must be a synchronous function, but there's nothing stopping us from creating an asynchronous function inside of it.

// Almost there...
useEffect(() => {
  const loadData = async () => {
    await fetchData()

The major difference between this use of async and what we're normally accustomed to is that we won't await the asynchronous function.

useEffect(() => {
  const loadData = async () => {
    await fetchData()

  // Notice no await

By calling loadData but not awaiting it, we allow the outer useEffect function to finish while loadData is still executing. The last piece is that if we're depending on the results from loadData, then loadData needs to update the component state when its complete. We can do this easily buy setting the state from within the asynchornous function within useEffect.

const [data, setData] = useState()

useEffect(() => {
  const loadData = async () => {
    const data = await fetchData()


  // Look Mom! No await!

Now we can load data asynchronously without blocking our thread. Another way to think about it, is that useEffect has no concern with loadData finishing, because loadData will update the state on its own, triggering a re-render with our data. All set? Well kinda. Depending on your specific situation, there are a few more things you should consider:

  1. Handling error responses.
  2. Preventing data from being fetched again if it's already loaded.
  3. When/how to mark data as "stale" so fresh data can be fetched.

To see an advanced use of useEffect check out my post on Using Generators with React